Hans Stoessel
2010-04-15 08:22:50 UTC
Windows XP / Visual Studio 2005
This is a code piece from an automatic generated C++ file in gSOAP:
SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_std__vectorTemplateOfstd__string(struct
soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const std::vector<std::string >*a,
const char *type)
for (std::vector<std::string >::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i !=
a->end(); ++i)
if (soap_out_std__string(soap, tag, id, &(*i), ""))
return soap->error;
return SOAP_OK;
I have a different behaviors in the debug and release version of the
application! The vector contains one element.
The for loop is called one time, as it should be.
The for loop is NEVER called, because the iterator i is a->end().
I have no idea why. I detect this with log files.
Interesting is the follow: I tried to reproduce this behavior in my own
code. The behavior in my code is correct, in the release and in the debug
Any ideas?
A comiler option?
An include?
Thanks for any hints.
This is a code piece from an automatic generated C++ file in gSOAP:
SOAP_FMAC3 int SOAP_FMAC4 soap_out_std__vectorTemplateOfstd__string(struct
soap *soap, const char *tag, int id, const std::vector<std::string >*a,
const char *type)
for (std::vector<std::string >::const_iterator i = a->begin(); i !=
a->end(); ++i)
if (soap_out_std__string(soap, tag, id, &(*i), ""))
return soap->error;
return SOAP_OK;
I have a different behaviors in the debug and release version of the
application! The vector contains one element.
The for loop is called one time, as it should be.
The for loop is NEVER called, because the iterator i is a->end().
I have no idea why. I detect this with log files.
Interesting is the follow: I tried to reproduce this behavior in my own
code. The behavior in my code is correct, in the release and in the debug
Any ideas?
A comiler option?
An include?
Thanks for any hints.